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Privacy policy

The Camping Miralago website (hereinafter the ‘Website’) is the property of Camping Miralago, the controller of your personal data.

We have adopted this Privacy Policy which sets out the processing of information collected by the Website and the reasons for collecting certain personal data about you. We therefore recommend that you read our privacy policy.

We are very concerned about data protection and data security and therefore we assure you that your personal data will be treated confidentially.

Collection of data and information:

Each time you visit the Camping Miralago website, a series of general data and information is automatically collected, such as the type of device used by the accessing system and the associated operating system, the browser types and versions used, the Internet Protocol address (IP address), the date and time (time zone) of access and cookies already installed on your device. In addition, when you access the website, information on the individual pages and products accessed, search terms and links that brought you to our website and other data on user behaviour and interaction with our website is automatically collected. This automatically recorded information is referred to as device information. In addition, we collect all personal data that you voluntarily provide to us during the registration process (first name, surname, address, payment information, etc.) and which are necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes pursued by us.

Why do we collect your data?

The protection of personal data is our top priority. Therefore, the scope of the personal data collected is limited to the minimum required for the functionality of the services and fulfilment of the purposes pursued. The automatically collected information is used for security purposes in the event of attacks on our information technology systems and for the statistical evaluation of user behaviour.

The automatically collected information is used for security purposes in the event of attacks on our information technology systems and for the statistical evaluation of user behaviour. Statistical information is not used for any other purpose and no conclusions are drawn about the data subjects. It is possible to use our website without providing any personal data. However, if you wish to make use of certain services of our company, it may be necessary to process personal data. You can provide us with personal data such as your e-mail address, first name, surname, place of residence, organisation and telephone number by filling in the relevant forms. If you do not wish to provide us with your personal data, you may not be able to use some of the services on the website, such as our newsletter, and you may not be able to contact us directly from the website. Users who are not sure which data is absolutely necessary are welcome to contact us at

How long do we store your data?

We only store personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfil the individual purposes for which the data was collected or if we are legally obliged to store it for longer. In particular, we must retain business communications, concluded contracts and accounting documents for up to 10 years (see esp. Art. 958f of the Swiss Code of Obligations [CO] ). If we no longer need such data from you to provide the services, the data will be blocked. We then only use them for accounting and tax purposes.

Your rights:

If you are resident in Switzerland or the European Union, you have the following rights in relation to your personal data:

Right to transparent information.
Right to information.
Right to rectification.
Right to erasure (‘right to be forgotten’).
Right to restriction of processing.
Right to data portability.
Right of objection.
Rights in relation to automated decision-making, including profiling.
Please note that these rights may be restricted or excluded in individual cases, e.g. if there are doubts about your identity or if this is necessary to protect other persons, to safeguard interests worthy of protection or to comply with legal obligations.
If you are affected by the processing of personal data, you have the option of enforcing your rights in court or submitting a report to the competent supervisory authority. The competent supervisory authority in Switzerland is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC).
The competent supervisory authority in the Principality of Liechtenstein is the Data Protection Authority of the Principality of Liechtenstein.
You can exercise your rights in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations by contacting the controller by sending an e-mail to a or by writing to the controller’s office.

If you are an EU citizen, we would also like to point out that we process your data in order to be able to fulfil any existing contractual obligations towards you (e.g. when ordering products via our website) or to otherwise represent our business interests as listed above. Please note that your data may also be used outside Europe, including the USA and Canada, if necessary.

Links to other websites:

Our website may contain links to other websites whose content is not our intellectual property or under our control. Please note that we accept no liability for third-party websites or the data protection practices of third parties. When moving from our website to another website, we recommend that you read the data protection declarations of the corresponding website, which will also collect personal data.

Disclosure of data to third parties

We only pass on your personal data if you have expressly consented to this, if there is a legal obligation to do so or if this is necessary to enforce our rights, in particular to enforce claims arising from the contractual relationship. Under certain circumstances, your personal data may be transferred to service providers abroad as part of order processing. In addition, we will pass on your data to third parties if this is necessary to fulfil the contract. For this purpose, we pass on the necessary data to subsidiaries, transport companies, banks and other service providers. These service providers use your data exclusively for order processing and not for any other purposes.
A service provider to whom the personal data collected via the website is passed on or who has or can have access to it is our web host Swiss tecnology, Switzerland. The website is hosted on servers in Switzerland. The data is passed on for the purpose of providing and maintaining the functionalities of our website. This is our legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR. Finally, we forward your credit card information to your credit card issuer and the credit card acquirer when you pay by credit card on the website. If you decide to pay by credit card, you will be asked to enter all mandatory information. The legal basis for the transfer of data is the fulfilment of a contract in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR. With regard to the processing of your credit card information by these third parties, we ask you to also read the General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy of your credit card issuer.
As far as possible, we process your personal data in Switzerland or the European Economic Area (EEA).
We are also authorised to transfer your personal data to third-party companies abroad, in particular subsidiaries, if this is necessary for the execution of the contract. They are obliged to the same extent as the provider itself to protect data. If the level of data protection in a country does not correspond to the Swiss or European level, we ensure by contract that the protection of your personal data corresponds to that in Switzerland or the EU at all times.

Note on data transfers to the USA.

For the sake of completeness, we would like to point out to users residing or domiciled in Switzerland that there are surveillance measures in place in the USA by US authorities that generally allow the storage of all personal data of all persons whose data has been transferred from Switzerland to the USA. This is done without differentiation, limitation or exception on the basis of the objective pursued and without an objective criterion that makes it possible to limit the access of the US authorities to the data and their subsequent use to very specific, strictly limited purposes that can justify the interference associated with both access to these data and their use. We would also like to point out that there are no legal remedies available in the USA for data subjects from Switzerland that allow them to gain access to the data concerning them and to obtain its correction or deletion, or that there is no effective legal protection against general access rights of US authorities. We explicitly draw the data subject’s attention to this legal and factual situation so that they can make an appropriately informed decision to consent to the use of their data.
We would like to point out to users residing in an EU member state that the USA does not have an adequate level of data protection from the point of view of the European Union – partly due to the issues mentioned in this section. Insofar as we have explained in this privacy policy that recipients of data (such as Google) are based in the USA, we will ensure that your data is protected at an appropriate level by our partners either through contractual arrangements with these companies or by ensuring that these companies are certified under the EU or Swiss-US Privacy Shield.

Information security:

We protect your personal information from unauthorised access, use or disclosure by maintaining your personal information stored on the server in a controlled, secure environment that prevents unauthorised access, use or disclosure. We have implemented numerous technical and organisational measures to ensure that the personal data collected via this website is protected as completely as possible. However, absolute protection cannot be guaranteed, as Internet-based data transmissions are generally subject to security vulnerabilities.

Disclosure obligation:

If required by law, such as in the case of a subpoena or court order, or if we deem it necessary in our sole discretion to protect our rights, your safety or the safety of others, we will share any information we collect with appropriate government authorities for law enforcement or legal proceedings without notice to you.

Use of Google reCAPTCHA

This website uses the reCAPTCHA service provided by Google Ireland Limited (Gordon House, Barrow Street Dublin 4, Ireland ‘Google’). The query serves the purpose of distinguishing whether the input is made by a human or by automated, machine processing. The query includes sending the IP address and any other data required by Google for the reCAPTCHA service to Google. For this purpose, your input is transmitted to Google and used there. However, your IP address will be shortened beforehand by Google within member states of the European Union or in other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and truncated there. Google will use this information on behalf of the operator of this website to analyse your use of this service. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of reCaptcha will not be merged with other Google data. Your data may also be transmitted to the USA. An adequacy decision of the European Commission, the ‘Privacy Shield’, is in place for data transfers to the USA. Google participates in the ‘Privacy Shield’ and has submitted to the requirements. By clicking on the query, you consent to the processing of your data. The processing is carried out on the basis of Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR with your consent. You can withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. You can find more information about Google reCAPTCHA and the associated privacy policy at: and

Privacy policy for the use of Google Web Fonts

This website uses so-called web fonts provided by Google for the standardised display of fonts. When you call up a page, your browser loads the required web fonts into your browser cache in order to display texts and fonts correctly. If your browser does not support web fonts, a standard font will be used by your computer.

Further information on Google Web Fonts can be found at and in Google’s privacy policy:

Privacy policy for Facebook

This website uses functions of Facebook Inc, 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA . When you access our pages with Facebook plug-ins, a connection is established between your browser and the Facebook servers. Data is already transmitted to Facebook. If you have a Facebook account, this data can be linked to it. If you do not wish this data to be linked to your Facebook account, please log out of Facebook before visiting our site. Interactions, in particular the use of a comment function or clicking on a ‘Like’ or ‘Share’ button, are also passed on to Facebook. You can find out more at

Privacy policy for Instagram

Functions of the Instagram service are integrated on our website. These functions are offered by Instagram Inc, 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA. If you are logged into your Instagram account, you can link the content of our pages to your Instagram profile by clicking on the Instagram button. This allows Instagram to associate your visit to our pages with your user account. We would like to point out that, as the provider of the pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by Instagram.

You can find more information on this in Instagram’s privacy policy:

Privacy policy for TripAdvisor

A plugin of the website TripAdvisor (TripAdvisor Inc., 141 Needham Street, Newton, MA 02464, USA) is integrated on our pages. You can recognise the plugins by the corresponding logo on our site. When you visit our pages, a direct connection is established between your browser and the TripAdvisor server via the plugin. TripAdvisor receives the information that you have visited our site with your IP address. We would like to point out that, as the provider of the pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or its use by TripAdvisor. Further information on this can be found in TripAdvisor’s privacy policy at:

Contact details:

If you would like to learn more about privacy policies or have any questions regarding your individual rights and personal data, please email us at